거세시기에 따른 재래흑염소 육의 육질 및 관능적 특성
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제30권 제3호
- 2010.06
- 419 - 426 (8 pages)
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different castration ages on meat quality and sensory properties of Korean native black goats over 410 days. For the experiment, 32 heads of goat (eight heads/4 treatment) were subjected to either a control (5 month non-castration), T1 (7 month castration), T2 (5 month castration) or T3 (3 month castration). The total weight gain for Korean native black goats was highest in the T2 group after feeding for 410 days and the weight gain/day tended to be similar to the total weight gain. The total feeding amounts were lowest (410.82 kg) in T3; however, the feed intake ratio was 16.39 in T2, indicating that it had the best feed efficiency among groups. The cooking loss and drip loss of the Korean native black goats was highest in the control, being 35.53% and 2.08%, respectively (p