레드 비트의 첨가가 냉장저장 중 저지방 소시지의 품질과 발색 안정성에 미치는 영향
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제30권 제6호
- 2010.12
- 1014 - 1023 (10 pages)
This study was performed to evaluate the quality characteristics of low-fat boiled or smoked sausages containing sodium nitrite and various levels of red beet during refrigerated storage. Physicochemical properties of boiled and smoked sausages were not affected by the addition of red beet (p>0.05), except for the color values. The interaction between treatment and storage time had significant effects on redness and yellowness of boiled sausages, and on redness of smoked sausages (p0.05) upon treatment with the combination of sodium nitrite and red beet. These results indicate that the combination of red beet and sodium nitrite contributed to color stability of smoked sausages during refrigerated storage. Therefore, we suggest that red beet as a natural colorant may be used to reduce the content of nitrite during low-fat sausage processing.