커버이미지 없음
Kefir Grain의 Polysaccharide에 의한 HRV S-2의 MA-104 세포 감염억제
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제31권 제1호
- 2011.02
- 81 - 85 (5 pages)
The inhibitory effect of a polysaccharide from kefir on human rotavirus infection in MA-104 cells was investigated. The extracted polysaccharide was separated as fraction I in unbound materials and as fractions II, III, and IV in bound materials. Adding polysaccharide fractions II (4.8 mg/mL), III (5.3 mg/mL), and IV (1.4 mg/mL) inhibited the infection of MA-104 cells by human rotavirus. The 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC 50) were 0.075, 0.083, and 0.022 mg/mL, respectively. Based on these results, the kefir polysaccharide has anti-rotavirus activity. In conclusion, a polysaccharide from kefir had more than a 97% inhibition effect against human rotavirus infection in MA-104 cells.