사료 내 생 미강과 볶은 대두의 첨가가 거세한우 등심의 이화학적 특성과 관능적 특성에 미치는 영향
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제31권 제3호
- 2011.06
- 451 - 459 (9 pages)
We investigated melting points and sensory characteristics by adding rice bran and roasted soybean to the finishing diet of Hanwoo steers. Thirty-six Hanwoo steers (average age, 20.92 mon-old; average weight, 599.89 kg) were assigned to either Control, Treatment 1 (rice bran) or Treatment 2 (roasted soybean) groups (12 steers/group), considering body weight and age. Supplementation levels of rice bran and roasted soybean were determined to meet total 5% crude fat in the concentrates, and the experimental animals were fed for 314 d until they reached 31.2 mon old. No significant differences were found in the moisture and crude fat content among groups. Melting points of lipid extracted from M. longissimus dorsi, subcutaneous fat, and perirenal fats were 25.83-26.17, 17.26-18.53 and 32.40-33.15°C, respectively, resulting in remarkable differences depending on fat depots. Contents of free amino acids in M. longissimus dorsi related to sweet taste were 39.48 mg/100 g for Treatment 1, which was significantly (p