커버이미지 없음
팜유의 급여가 한우의 도체 및 육질에 미치는 영향
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제31권 제5호
- 2011.10
- 748 - 755 (8 pages)
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of dietary palm oil supplementation on the quality of the carcass and meat of Hanwoo (Korean cattle). Thirty-month-old steers were fed on a concentration with or without (control) palm oil for 3 mon prior to slaughter. The samples of M. longissimus were taken from all carcasses and then stored at 4℃ for 9 d. The carcass traits, total myoglobin content, pH value, total reducing ability, and myofibrillar fragmentation index were unaffected by supplementation with palm oil. However, the fat content, water-holding capacity, and tenderness were significantly increased by dietary palm oil (p