커버이미지 없음
뽕잎 분말의 첨가 급여가 계육의 냉장저장 중 품질에 미치는 영향
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제32권 제2호
- 2012.04
- 184 - 193 (10 pages)
This study was investigated the effects of supplementation diets with mulberry leaves powder on pH, TBARS (thiobar-bituric acid reactive substance) and VBN (volatile basic nitrogen) heating loss, WHC (water holding capacity), and drip loss of chicken meat, One hundred sixty broiler were fed diets for five weeks containing 0% mulberry leaves powder (Control), 1% mulberry leaves powder (T1), 2% mulberry leaves powder (T2), and 3% mulberry leaves powder (T3). At the end of this experiment, broiler were slaughtered, and stored at 4oC for 10 d. As storage time increased, all treatment groups resulted in increased pH, TBARS, VBN and drip loss (p