최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

돈피 젤라틴 효소분해물이 난소 적출쥐의 골밀도에 미치는 영향

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This study was conducted to examine the effects of low molecular weight gelatin hydrolysates (GH, less than 3kDa), extracted from pig skin collagen on the bone metabolism of ovariectomized (OVX) rats. The rats in the experimental groups were randomly segregated into six different treatment groups such as 1) NC, the normal rat fed AIN 93 diet (basal diet) only; 2) OC, the OVX rat fed the basal diet only; 3) GH 0.1, the OVX rat fed the basal diet with 0.1% GH; 4) GH 0.8, the OVX rat fed the basal diet with 0.8% GH; 5) G 0.1, the OVX rat fed the basal diet with 0.1% gelatin; 6) G 0.8, the OVX rat fed the basal diet with 0.8% gelatin. Body weight gain in the GH 0.1, GH 0.8, and G 0.8 was significantly higher than those in the NC and OC. Feed intake of the GH 0.1 and GH 0.8 was higher than that of the NC and OC, while no significant difference was found in feed efficiency ratio (FER). BMD of the GH 0.8 was higher than that of the OC. However, gelatin hydrolysates and gelatin resulted in higher BMC level compare to the OC. Serum HDL-cholesterol of rat fed GH and gelatin was higher than that of OC (p
