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식육판매업소 종사자의 축산물 HACCP 제도 요구도 분석 -서울 및 경기지역의 HACCP 지정업소와 미지정업소를 중심으로-

  • 27

HACCP is a preventative food safety management system whose application is highly encouraged worldwide. In this study, the workers`` demands for the application of HACCP system at the meat retail shops were surveyed. According to a factor analysis on the demands of the application of HACCP system, the results could be classified into three factors: HACCP support, HACCP promotion and education, and generic livestock product safety management. Items on demands showed higher results for HACCP support (3.91 point) than for HACCP promotion and education (3.83 point) or generic livestock product safety management (3.72 point). The application of HACCP system was more demanded by HACCPcertified retailors with 4.11 point than the non-HACCP-certified ones (3.57 point). From the analysis of items on demands, ``governmental promotion of the general public livestock HACCP; (p
