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Lactobacillus plantarum M23 균주를 이용한 Tyrosinase 저해 활성 발효유 생산의 최적화

  • 4

The melanin pigment in human skin is a major defense mechanism against ultraviolet light to the skin, but darken skin color. Tyrosinase is mainly responsible for melanin biosynthesis (melanogenesis) in animals and enzymatic browning (melanosis) in plants. The purpose of this study was to optimize the fermented milk process for the melanin formation inhibition by using Lactobacillus plantarum M23 with tyrosinase inhibitory activity. We used 4 factor-3-level central composite design combining with response surface methodology. Yeast extract concentration (%, X₁), addition of grape (%, X₂), incubation temperature (˚C, X₃) and incubation time (h, X₄) was used as an independent factor, on the other hand, pH (pH, Y₁), overall palatability (score, Y₂) and tyrosinase inhibitory activity (%, Y₃) was used as a dependant factor. Based on the optimization for the highest tyrosinase inhibitory activity with pH 4.4, the expected data of pH, palatability and tyrosinase inhibitory activity with 14.8 h incubation at 37.1˚C by the addition of 0.127% of yeast extract, 2.95% of grape was 4.42, 7.06 and 86.65%, but the real data was 4.35, 6.86 and 84.05%, respectively. Based on the previous results, fermented milk using Lactobacillus plantarum M23 with the tyrosinase inhibitory activity could contribute for the whitening and antiaging of human skin.
