L. acidophilus KCCM 32820과 P. freudenreichii KCCM 31227로 배양한 유청발효물을 첨가한 반죽 레올로지 및 식빵의 품질특성
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제32권 제6호
- 2012.12
- 803 - 809 (7 pages)
This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of whey ferment containing L. acidophilus KCCM 32820 and P. freudenreichii KCCM 31227 on the quality characteristics of white pan bread. Instrumental analysis such as alveograph, gelatinization temperature, texture analysis, retrogradation rate was determined. In an alveograph test, Pmax value in the treatment was higher than that in the control, but extensibility of dough in the control showed to be higher than in the treatment, so test dough showed more strength than the control. In terms of DSC analysis for gelatinization, temperature there were no significant differences of Tp and ΔH between the control and the treatment. In hardness analysis by rheometer, dough containing whey ferment revealed lower values than the control. From the analysis of the organic acid contents, propionic acid was not detected in the control, however 1.13 mg/g of propionic acid was detected in the treatment. In the retrogradation analysis by DSC, the test delayed slightly compared to the control.