최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

가공 및 저장 방법이 다른 오리 가슴 육의 기계적 판별

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The possibility of instrumental differentiation of duck breast meat treated with different processing and storage conditions was investigated for industrial application. Duck breast meats, which were 1) refrigerated (fresh) after slaughter, 2) fresh but applied the torching process for the removal of remaining feathers (fresh-torched), and 3) frozen and thawed (frozenthawed), were prepared and the torrymeter value and other quality factors were assessed. The torrymeter values of both duck breast meat and skin showed the lowest in frozen-thawed sample during the whole storage period. The drip loss of frozenthawed sample was higher than those of fresh or fresh-torched ones. The number of total aerobic bacteria was lower in freshtorched than fresh but both were not different from frozen-thawed at day 1 while no difference found thereafter. Sensory score of frozen-thawed sample was the lowest. The correlation analysis among the torrymeter value and quality factors of duck breast meat revealed that the torrymeter value is closely related with the total aerobic bacterial number, lipid oxidation, drip loss, and storage period but not with color. The results indicate that once the duck breast meat was frozen then thawed, drip loss and sensory quality can be affected and the torrymeter value can differentiate frozen-thawed from fresh and freshtorched duck breast meat.
