계절에 따라 여러 지역의 원유에서 분리된 내냉성 미생물의 효소 활성
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제33권 제6호
- 2013.12
- 772 - 780 (9 pages)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of season and location on activities of enzyme produced by psychrotrophic bacteria isolated from raw milk located in Kyunggi region of South Korea. Agar diffusion and colorimetric methods were used for the lipase and protease activities of psychrotrophic bacteria. Intensities of dark blue and transparent ring around colony were compared for activity measurement. Nutrient agar with 1% skim milk added was employed for measuing protease activity. 14 strains of Arthrobacter russicus with lipase activity and 19 strains of Chryserobacterium shigense with protease activities were found to be present. It was found that Acinetobacter genomospecies 10 (match %: 99.90) isolated from B region in fall was the most lipolytic species, whereas Serratia liquefaciens (match %: 99.39) isolated from the same region in spring was the most proteolytic species. Growth curve of Acinetobacte and Serratia liquefaciens was a typical sigmoidal form. Lipase activity increased with incubation time, but its activity began to drop at stationary to motality phase. Optimum condition for incubation time, pH and temperature for extracellular lipase from Acinetobacter genomospecies 10 (match %: 99.90) was 12 h, 8.5, and 45oC, respectively. Extracellular protease from Serratia liquefaciens (match %:99.39) had the same optimum incubation time and pH as extracellular lipase, but optimum temperature was 35oC.