Effects of pH-Shift Processing and Microbial Transglutaminase on the Gel and Emulsion Characteristics of Porcine Myofibrillar System
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제34권 제2호
- 2014.04
- 207 - 213 (7 pages)
This study investigated the effects of microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) and pH-shift processing on the functional properties of porcine myofibrillar proteins (MP). The pH-shift processing was carried out by decreasing the pH of MP suspension to 3.0, followed by re-adjustment to pH 6.2. The native (CM) and pH-shifted MP (PM) was reacted with and without MTGase, and the gelling and emulsion characteristics were compared. To compare the pH-shifted MTGase-treated MP (PT), deamidation (DM) was conducted by reacting MTGase with MP at pH 3.0. Rigid thermal gel was produced by MTGase-treated native MP (CT) and PT. PM and DM showed the lowest storage modulus (G`) at the end of thermal scanning. Both MTGase and pH-shifting produced harder MP gel, and the highest gel strength was obtained in PT. All treatments yielded lower than CM, and CT showed significantly higher yield than PM and DM treatments. For emulsion characteristics, pH-shifting improved the emulsifying ability of MP-stabilized emulsion, while the treatments had lower emulsion stability. PM-stabilized emulsion exhibited the lowest creaming stability among all treatments. The emulsion stability could be improved by the usage of MTGase. The results indicated that pH-shifting combined with MTGase had a potential application to modify or improve functional properties of MP in manufacturing of meat products.