Effect of Packaging Method on the Lipid Oxidation, Protein Oxidation, and Color in Aged Top Round from Hanwoo (Korean Native Cattle) during Refrigerated Storage
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제34권 제3호
- 2014.06
- 273 - 279 (7 pages)
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the packaging method on the lipid and protein oxidation, and color in aged top round from Hanwoo (Korean native cattle) for 14 d at 4oC. Catalase activity was the highest (p<0.05) in vacuum packaging (VP) treatment during storage, and was higher (p<0.05) in 50% Ox-MAP and 50% Ox-MAP+vacuum skin packaging (VSP) treatments than in other treatments at d 14. Superoxide dismutase activity was higher (p<0.05) in VP, 50% Ox-MAP, and 50% Ox-MAP+VSP treatments than in other treatments at d 14. During storage, total antioxidant activity was the highest (p<0.05) in VP treatment and was higher (p<0.05) in 50% Ox-MAP+VSP treatment than in 80% Ox- MAP treatment. TBARS value was the lowest (p<0.05) in VP treatment during storage and was lower (p<0.05) in 50% Ox- MAP and Ox-MAP+VSP treatments than in 80% Ox-MAP and Ox-MAP treatments, respectively. Carbonyl content was the lowest (p<0.05) in VP treatment from 10 d. From 7 d, the a* value was the highest (p<0.05) in VP treatment and was higher (p<0.05) in 50% Ox-MAP and 50% Ox-MAP+VSP treatments than in other treatments. The b* value was the highest (p<0.05) in VP treatment from 3 d, and was higher (p<0.05) in 80% Ox-MAP+VSP, 50% Ox-MAP, and 50% Ox-MAP+ VSP treatments than in 80% Ox-MAP treatment at d 14. Therefore, VP improved the oxidation and red color stabilities in stored-aged top round compared with Ox-MAP. In addition, 50% Ox-MAP improved the lipid oxidation and red color stabilities compared with 80% Ox-MAP, and its inhibitory effect on lipid oxidation was enhanced by combination with VSP.