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Effect of Gaeddongssuk (Artemisia annua L.) Powder on Quality and Shelf Stability of Emulsion Sausages during Refrigerated Storage

  • 12

The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of Gaeddongssuk powder (GP) on quality characteristics and shelf stability of emulsion sausages during storage. Proximate composition properties showed no significant differences in all treatment (p>0.05). Control showed the highest cooking loss while the treatment with GP showed decreased cooking loss depending on increasing GP content (p< 0.05). Apparent viscosity of batter was increased as the amount of GP increased, whereas hardness of emulsion sausages was decreased with increasing GP level. In sensory evaluation, emulsion sausage with 0.1% GP resulted in the highest score in overall acceptability. The pH values of all treatments decreased at the early storage stage, followed by gradual increase. The lightness and redness of treatments were decreased when the level of GP was increased. However, the yellowness of sausages with GP were higher than that of control (p0.05). Therefore, Gaeddongssuk powder up to 0.1% has a potential as a natural antioxidant for meat products because it can inhibit lipid oxidation of sausages without decreasing their sensory properties.
