Optimizing Medium Components for the Maximum Growth of Lactobacillus plantarumJNU 2116 Using Response Surface Methodology
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제38권 제2호
- 2018.04
- 240 - 250 (11 pages)
This study was undertaken to findthe optimum soy-peptone, glucose, yeast extract, and magnesium sulfate amounts for the maximum growth of Lactobacillus plantarumJNU 2116 and to assess the effects of these medium factors through the use of response surface methodology. A central composite design was used as the experimental design for the allocation of treatment combinations. In the analysis of the experiment, dueto a significant lack of fit of the second-order polynomial regression model that was used at first, cubic terms were added to the model, and then two-way interaction terms were deleted from the model since they were found to be all statistically insignificant. A relative comparison among the four factors showed that the growth of L.plantarumJNU 2116 was affected strongly by yeast extract, moderately by glucose and peptone, and slightly by magnesium sulfate. The estimated optimum amounts of the medium factors for the growth of L. plantarumJNU 2116 are as follows: soy-peptone 0.213%, glucose 1.232%, yeast extract 1.97%, and magnesium sulfate0.08%. These results may contribute to the production of L. plantarumL67 as a starter culture that may have potential application in yogurt and fermented meat products.