Monitoring of Microbial Contaminants of Beef, Pork, and Chicken in HACCP Implemented Meat Processing Plants of Korea
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제38권 제2호
- 2018.04
- 282 - 290 (9 pages)
This research was to evaluate microbial contamination levels in meat samples at hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP)-implemented processing plants that produce beef, pork, and chicken. During a period of about a year, a total of 178 samples(76 from beef, 89 from pork, and 13 from chicken) were obtained from raw materials (21.3%) and final products (78.7%). All samples were determined for each 25 g homogenized one. Samples were analyzed to determine the total aerobic plate count (APC), coliform count (CC), and E. colicount (ECC). By month, APC levels were the highest in September and the lowest in February (p<101 CFU/g to <107 CFU/g. In conclusion, the month and season had significant effects on microbial contamination levels at HACCP implemented processing plants. Interrelationships between (i) the product form and coliform, (ii) the APC and CC were revealed.