Pina Bausch’s Dance Theater explores itself as an art form using dancer’s body. Her work denies the signification of body, but have it as subject in formation and transformation of meaning. Along with the transformation of meaning, the referential function of the theater fades out and the presence of body takes place. In other words, dancer’s body is the content and form referring itself. Despite this phenomena, however, Bausch’s work still intend to tell something and there is narrative. This paper studies the techniques of Bausch’s narrative. Her work does not represent a text, but foregrounds the ‘process’ of creating meaning through communion of the choreographer and the dancers. The dancers’ daily gestures are performed on stage fragmented and repeated and the audience perceive or create the meaning of what is shown with their own experience. Through this process the narrative of each piece constructed in audience’s mind. In summary, the techniques of fragmentation and repetition were inevitable approach rather than arbitrary to form the ‘process’ of signification.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. <카네이션>의 내러티브와 관객지각
1. 퍼포먼스의 전개
2. 표현을 위한 모티프들
3. 몸의 서사
4. 분절에 의한 내러티브
5. 반복에 의한 의미변형
Ⅲ. 결 론