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KCI등재 학술저널

정조대 처사 홍정하의 천주교리서 비판과 천주교 인식 - 『성세추요증의』를 중심으로 -

A Poor Cofucianist Holding no Office Hong Jeong-ha’s Criticism and Understanding over the Catholic Catechism during King Jong-jo’s Reign : Focusing on critical content of the article Seongsechuyojeungyi

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『성세추요증의(盛世芻蕘證疑)』는 『대동정로(大東正路)』 제5권에 「증의요지(證疑要旨)」 등 4편의 척사서(斥邪書)와 함께 실려 있는 정조대 처사 홍정하(洪正河, 호 髥齋)의 천주교 비판서이다. 특히 이 글은 천주교의 사회윤리, 즉 평등사상에 입각한 일부일처제(一夫一妻制)의 주장을 비판하는 데에 가장 많은 지면을 할애했고, 그밖에도 제사무용론(祭祀無用論), 천주대군대부설(天主大君大父說)을 비판하면서 유교적 윤리질서인 삼강오륜(三綱五倫)을 수호하려는 강한 의지를 보여준다. 홍정하는 유교사상의 핵심인 인(仁)과 천주교의 애(愛, 博愛, 兼愛)를 같은 차원에서 평가해서는 안 된다는 입장을 고수하면서, 천주교가 유교적 가부장제(家父長制) 중심의 수직적, 신분 차별적 윤리강상(倫理綱常)을 해친다고 비판했다. 또 천주교의 4대 교리 중에 상선벌악(償善罰惡)을 제외한 천주(天主)의 존재 및 천지창조(天地創造), 강생구속(降生救贖), 삼위일체(三位一體) 등의 교리를 모두 부정하는 논리를 개진하였다. 그는 이러한 척사서를 저술하여 그와 교유하던 정범조(丁範祖, 1723~1801, 海左), 강준흠(姜浚欽, 1768~?, 三溟) 등에게 반천주교 사상을 전파했고, 특히 충주와 원주 사이, 즉 충청도와 강원도 일대에서 당대의 지역 사대부들에게 큰 영향력을 끼쳤고 구한말 영남 사림들에게 척사론의 모범이 된 것으로 평가된다. 그의 척사론은 천주교의 교세가 평민과 천민들, 부녀자들에게 확장되는 것을 우려하여 신분평등, 남녀평등 등 근대적 사상을 남녀차별, 신분차별의 중세적 봉건적 수직윤리로서 비판하려고 한 데서 오늘날의 관점에서 기본적인 한계점이 확인된다. 다만 조선시대의 유교적 가부장제(家父長制)에 입각하여 신분 차별적 수직사회를 유지하면서, 후손을 낳아 조상의 제사를 잇는 것을 효(孝)의 큰 덕목으로 여겼던 유학자의 입장에서는 매우 당연하고도 유용한 현실사회 옹호론이었다.

Seongsechuyozeungyi, the Criticism against Seongsechuyo as Catholic Catechism was written by Hong Jeong-ha who was a poor confucianist holding no office in King Jeongjo’s Reign. There were 4 articles of Anti-Catholicism in the book Daedongjeongro containing the article Seongsechuyozeungyi. In this criticism, he focused to criticise, with a lot of spaces, the theory of Catholic monogamy which was based on the thought of equality. And his criticism of Catholic Catechism Seongsechuyo came to refutting the critical theory against confucian sacrificial rites. And next to that, disputting the Catholic theory of God the great king and father. His criticism was for keeping the confucian theory loyalty and filial piety and the three bonds and the five moral disciplines in human relations holding a strong will of sticking to them. The confucianist Hong adhered to the thought that they should not have the same value between the Confucian Humanity and the Christian Love, because of the reason that the catholicism harms the confucianism. And he strongly denied the four most important Catholic Catechism such as the theory of God’s creating the heaven and earth, of the incarnation and the redemption of Christ Jesus for all people, and of the trinity, except the theory of rewarding good deeds and punishing evil deeds. His writing of these Anti-Christianism has effected the critical ideas of Catholicism to scholars such as Jeong Beom-Jo and Kang Joon-heum. And he took acquired very famous effect that many confucianist agreed with it especially in the region from Choong-joo to Won-joo in the same period, and showed the standard opinion of Anti-Christianism to the confucianists in Kyeong-sang province in the last Choseon dynasty. He insisted on the prohibition of Catholicism, owing to it’s thought of equality of various classes and of both sexes, spreading to the common and lowly people and women. In this aspect we can distinguish his fundamental limites of medieval feudalistic thoughts focused on the maintaining the confucian patriarchal system. But his realistic opinion was very natural and useful in the aspects of Confucian viewpoints that the filial piety was the very great virtue by succeeding the memorial ceremony for his ancestors with respect and affection and that holding the inequal state system of based on the patriarchy was essential in Choseon dynasty.

Ⅰ. 머리말 : 염재 홍정하의 척사론과 척사운동

Ⅱ. 『성세추요증의』를 통한 천주교 비판

Ⅲ. 맺음말 : 『성세추요』에 대한 인식 수준과 천주교 비판의 의미
