최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Cone-beam computed tomographic evaluation of the condylar remodeling occurring after mandibular set-back by bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy and rigid fixation

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Objective: To evaluate condylar head remodeling after mandibular set-back sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO) with rigid fixation in skeletal class III deformities. The correlation between condylar head remodeling and condylar axis changes was determined using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) superimposition. Methods: The CBCT data of 22 subjects (9 men and 13 women) who had undergone mandibular set-back SSRO with rigid fixation were analyzed. Changes in the condylar head measurements and the distribution of the signs of condylar head remodeling were evaluated by CBCT superimposition. Results: The subjects showed inward rotation of the axial condylar angle; reduced condylar heights on the sagittal and coronal planes; and resorptive remodeling in the anterior and superior areas on the sagittal plane, superior and lateral areas on the coronal plane, and anterior-middle and anterior-lateral areas on the axial plane (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The CBCT superimposition method showed condylar head remodeling after mandibular set-back SSRO with rigid fixation. In skeletal class III patients, SSRO with rigid fixation resulted in rotation, diminution, and remodeling of the condylar head. However, these changes did not produce clinical signs or symptoms of temporomandibular disorders. [Korean J Orthod 2013;43(6):263-270]
