Objective: Th e aim of this study was to compare the eff ects of diff erent enamel conditioning techniques for bracket bonding. Methods: Ninety-one human premolars were randomly divided in six groups of 15 specimens each. Th e enamel surfaces of the teeth were etched with 35% orthophosphoric acid in Group 1, with a self-etching primer in Group 2, sandblasted in Group 3, sandblasted and etched with 35% orthophosphoric acid in Group 4, conditioned by Er:YAG laser in Group 5 and conditioned by Er:YAG laser and etched with 35% phosphoric acid gel respectively in Group 6. Aft er enamel conditioning procedures, brackets were bonded and shear bonding test was performed. Aft er debonding, adhesive remnant index scores were calculated for all groups. One tooth from each group were inspected by scanning electron microscope for evaluating the enamel surface characteristics. Results: Th e laser and acid etched group showed the highest mean shear bond strength (SBS) value (13.61 ± 1.14 MPa) while sandblasted group yielded the lowest value (3.12 ± 0.61 MPa). Conclusions: Although the SBS values were higher, the teeth in laser conditioned groups were highly damaged. Th erefore, acid etching and self-etching techniques were found to be safer for orthodontic bracket bonding. Sandblasting method was found to generate inadequate bonding strength. [Korean J Orthod 2012;42(1):32-38]