Purpose: This study aimed to compare for relationship between the quality of sleep and quality of life for elderly patients in institution and low-income elders living at home. Method: The 200 subjects of this research consist of 100 inpatients from 2 special hospitals for the elderly in B metropolitan city and 100 recipient of home visiting health program of public health center. Research instruments were the quality of sleep measurement instrument developed by O, Jin-ju, Song, Mi-soon and Kim, Shin-mi(1998) and the Korean measurement tool of the quality of life(QOL) developed by Choi, Su- jung(2002). Date were collected by structured questionnaire from August 1 to August 31,2008. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 14.0 program for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, x2-test, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe s test, Pearson s Correlation Coefficient s. Results: 1) The institution elderly(mean 39.55±6.36) showed somewhat higher than low-income elders living at home(36.50±6.55) for quality of sleep degree(t=3.339, p= .000). And the institution elderly(mean 92.35±16.55) showed somewhat higher than low-income( 88.72±13.96) elders living at home for quality of sleep degree(t=1.676, p= .095). 2) The degree of quality of sleep had a significant difference in sex(T=4.201, P= .004), perceived health condition(F=3.471, P= .012), family support(F=4.772, p= .011) in elderly patients in institution. And The degree of quality of sleep had a significant difference in perceived health condition(F=3.924, p= .050), family support(F=4.912, p= .008) in low-income elders living at home. 3) The degree of quality of life had a significant difference in marriage state(F=4.230, P= .017), family support(F=10.597, p= .000) in elderly patients in institution. And The degree of quality of life had a significant difference in age(F=6.394, p= .002), perceived health condition(F=7.342, p= .000), family support(F=10.495, p= .000) in low-income elders living at hom 4) The relationships among the quality of sleep and quality of life were statistically significant in the inpatients of institution(r= .472, p= .000) and low-income elders living at home(r= .347, p= .000). Conclusion: There was statistically significant relationship between quality of sleep and quality of life in both groups for elderly patients in institution and low-income elders living at home. Based on this outcome, more studies need to be made on expansion and repetition for the quality of sleep and quality of life in the elderly. Also, more studies must be conducted to determine main factors related to the quality of sleep and quality of life in the elderly
Ⅰ. 서 론
II. 연구방법
III. 연구결과
V. 논 의
Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언