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An Investigation of Field-based Experiences for Pre-service Music Teachers in Massachusetts:Implications for Policies and Strategies Governing Field-based Experiences for Music Teacher Candidates in the Republic of Korea

An Investigation of Field-based Experiences for Pre-service Music Teachers in Massachusetts:Implications for Policies and Strategies Governing Field-based Experiences for Music Teacher Candidates in the Republic of Korea

DOI : 10.30775/KMES.47.2.01
  • 88

본 연구는 한국의 예비음악교사의 교육실습체계 향상을 위한 방안을 탐구하기 위해 메사츄세츠주 음악예비교사들의 현장교육실습 관련 규정과 경험을 조사했다. 메사츄세츠주의 예비교사 현장실습은 예비음악교사가 2개의 다른 학군을 선택해야 하여 최소 300시간의 현장실습을 이수하도록 규정되어 있다. 메사츄세츠주의 티토 대학교 (TitoUniversity)는 500시간에 가까운 시간을 현장실습 이수요건으로 지정했으며,예비음악교사들은 현장실습을 통해 그동안 배운 내용을 실제로 적용해 봄과 동시에 부족한 부분이 무엇인지도 점검할 수 있었다고 한다. 연구를 통해 한국의 교육실습 개선을 위해 실습과 관련된 규정에 여러 방면의 추가 지침이 꼭 필요함을 알 수 있었다.

In order to explore implications for improvement in Korean field-based experiences for pre-service music teachers, this study investigated policies governing these experiences in music teacher training and their implementation in Massachusetts. Content analysis revealed that music teacher candidates in that state must choose two different grade levels and work at least 300 hours in the field. Tito University in Massachusetts required close to 500 hours of works, far surpassing the state’s minimum. Interviews revealed that pre-service music teachers were able to apply to practice what they had learned through coursework. Still, they wanted additional field-based experiences. This investigation revealed that the Korean regulations for field-based experiences during teacher training need further guidelines.




Ⅳ.Summary and Suggestions for Policies and Strategies Governing Field-based Experiences for Pre-service Teachers in the Republic of Korea References
