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KCI등재 학술저널

개발이론과 성인 사회교육 전개의 이론적 탐색

A Theoretical Study on Development Theory and Continuing Adult Education

  • 43

교육과 개발의 관계에 대해서는 1950년대 말부터 사회적 인 관심을 받아 왔다. 이러한 관심 은 1960년대에 들어와서 인간자본론의 등장으로 학문적인 담론으로 발전하였다. 그러나 1970년 대에 들어와서 개발전략의 기초이론으로서 인간자본론이 의심받게 되었고, 사회발전에서 주변 적 위치로 밀려난 소외계층의 문제와 개발의 문제를 연계해서 보려는 관점이 설득력을 얻게 되었다. 이 논문은 서구를 중심으로 전개된 개발이론과 성인 사회교육의 실천사례를 이론적으로 고 찰한다. 개발이론의 초기이론인 근대화 이론은 사회발전을 제2세계의 사회적 가치에 초점을 맞 추고 후진국의 발전방향을 유도하였다. 이러한 서구중심적 개발모형에 대해 종속이론 및 신자 유주의적 관점에 비판론이 등장하여 나라마다 역사성과 사회성을 바탕으로 한 개발모델을 제 시하였다. 최근에는 사회가 더욱 민주화되면서 시민사회의 성장으로 인간중심의 개발에 대한 주장이 나오게 되었다. 소위 민중주의적 관점은 그동안 개발의 논의와 실천에서 주변적으로 밀려난 소 외집단에게 사회교육을 통해서 의식변혁을 유도하여 그들이 개발의 주체세력이 되도록 하는데 중점을 둔다.

This paper considers development theory and adult and continuing education based on related literature. Modernization theory dominated the mainstream conception of development theory until the 1960s, and saw modernization as the development of a modern sector based on industrialism. The fundamental premise of modernization theory was that there is a single process of social evolution, the highest stage having been reached by the United States in the 1950s. Much of the writing on adult education and development in the late 1960s was couched in terms of modernization theory. The role of adult education and continuing education was to help people absorb the rapid social changes associated with the transition from a developing society to a modern democratic state, through maximum social mobility. From the mid-1960s, the modernization theory of development came under attack from various sides. Dependency theory challenged that present-day underdevelopment is an original condition. This theory argued that underdevelopment was created by unequal international relationships that have developed since the sixteenth century. According to Baran (1957), the main conclusion of dependency theory was that development must be based on a socialist revolution and disengagement from the world capitalist market. Neoliberal theory also challenged modernization theory, focusing on the idea that the market mechanism is the means to ensure an efficient and productive economy, and maximize economic welfare. This theory stresses free competition in the marketplace. Neoliberalism gives priority to adult education and continuing education meeting the needs of the economy. Thus new emphasis was put on continuing education, skills training, and human resource development. The populist model emerged in the 1980s as a reaction against Eurocentric, top-down, environmentally damaging, and urban-centered development. It is seen as having failed to meet the needs of those who remain without power in so
