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KCI등재 학술저널

중초교사의 교직사회화과정 연구

A study on the occupational socialization of beginning ‘Joongcho’ teacher

  • 117

연구는 2004년 제정된 미발추 관련 특별법에 따라 초등교사로 임용된 중초교사들이 교직 사회의 편견과 우려속에서 어떤 방식으로 초등교사로서의 정체성을 획득해가고 있는 가를 이해하기 위한 것이다. 연구 목적을 달성하기 위하여 3년이하의 교육경력을 가진 중초교사 를 대상으로 면담을 실시하였으며, 교장 및 동료교사에 대한 면담, 교육활동에 대한 관찰 등 을 실시하였다. 연구에 따르면 중초교사들의 교직사회화는 중초교사라는 꼬리표를 떼고 초등교사가 되어 가는 과정이라고 할 수 있다. 이를 위하여 중초교사들은 교직활동에 필요한 지식과 전략을 습득하는 것은 물론 자신의 교직관을 실천하려는 노력을 기울인다. 이를 위한 전략으로서는 ‘초등출신과 거리두기’ 및 ‘초등교사로서의 자신의 능력 입증하기 전략’이 사용되고 있다. 초 등출신과 거리두기 전략은 사적 네트워크에 대한 의존성과 방어적 인간관계의 형성으로 나 타나며, 능력입증하기 전략은 다르게 보이기와 자신의 교직관 실천하기로 나타난다. 이러한 전략들은 중초교사라는 꼬리표를 떼기 위한 한시적인 것으로, 중초교사들이 교직에 적응해 감에 따라 점차 약화되면서 그 자리에는 동류의식이 자리잡게 된다.

This study was to understand the process of occupational socialization in teaching profession of Joongcho teachers who transferred to teachers’ college and appointed as a teacher according to Korean educational act number 7069 in 2004. The act was to save the unappointed teachers who graduated from national college of education before October, 1990 and were not appointed as the secondary school teacher. In order to achieve the purpose, I interviewed and observed Joongcho teachers who had teaching experience less than 3 years and his colleagues. According to the study, the occupational socialization in teaching profession of Joongcho teachers was the process of getting rid of nickname of Joongcho teachers. In the process of the occupational socialization in teaching profession, Joongcho teachers designed some strategies. At first, the dependence on private context was higher but the dependence on official context became higher and higher as the time passed. Joongcho teachers extended their ability and knowledge about elementary education with the help of their family and also their own hard working. In addition, they shared the information required through their informal network with other Joongcho teachers. The important thing in the process that teachers’ dependence on private context moved toward official context was the formation of ‘we’ consciousness, which meant that Joongcho teachers and elementary school teachers understood each other and thought that they were one. Also, it was essential to make a good partnership in formation of the ‘we’ consciousness between Joongcho teachers and elementary school teachers. Joongcho teachers’ backgrounds and experiences contributed to the good partnership between them.
