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KCI등재 학술저널

KFD를 통한 비행청소년의 가족지각 : 재산비행군과 강력비행군의 비교

A Study On The Juvenile Delinquent' Family Perception By The Kinetic Family Drawing

  • 86

청소년이 올바로 성장해야만 그 나라의 미래가 희망적이라고 할 수 있다. 건전하게 자라야 할 청소년이 여러가지 이유로 비행 및 범죄에 빠지는 경우가 많다. 소년비행이라 함은 12세이상 20세미만의 소년에 의한 범죄행위, 촉법행위, 우범행위를 말한다 범죄행위란 14세이상 20세미만인 소년의 형벌법령에 저촉되는 행위를 말하며, 촉법행위는 형벌법규를 위반하였으나 12세이상 14세미만의 형사 미성년자의 행위로 행사책임을 묻지 않는 행위이다 또 우범행위는 보호자의 정당한 감독에 복종하지 않는 성벽을 지녔거나 정당한 이유없이 가정에서 이탈하고 범죄성을 지닌 사람 또는 부도덕한 사람과 교제하거나 타인의 덕성을 해롭게 하는 성벽이 있어 그 자체는 범죄가 아니지만 범죄를 저지를 우려가 있다고 인정되는 행위이다(소년법 제4조 제1항).

The purpose of this study was to investigate a juvenile delinquent' family perception by the Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD) tesl. The administering procedure of the KFD test was similar to that used by Burns(1982) and Layton(984). The study involved a total of 102 violent crlmes and 111 property crimes. The results are as follow: First, in the style of family perception between violent crimes and property crimes, violent crimes felt a particular instable of their home environment Second, in the acting component of their KFDs, property crimes were rigid in their perception and expression of family sense and figures. A property crimes perceive their parents as more active and comrnunicating but unnursing, compared to violent crimes Third. in the dynarnic component of their KFDs. A violent crimes perceived that their fathers were isolated from their family members. A property crimes perceive a bad image of their mothers. Fourth, in the figure component of their KFDs, A vlolent crimes showed negative of their fathers and brother. A property crimes perceived their mothers as negative and rejective. The above results revealed that the perceptÎon of violent crimes about family members was negative, compared to property crimes. Their drawings suggested a relatively low level of mental development and regressive tendency A violent crimes showed negative of their fathers and brothers, property crimes perceived their mothers as negative and rejective.
