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KCI등재 학술저널

다양한 미술활동 프로그램이 아동의 주의집중결함과 조음오류에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Art Activity on Attention Deficit Behavior and Articulation Error

  • 59

언어장애의 유형 가운데서 가장 많은 출현을 보이는 것은 조음장애로서, ‘사과’를 ‘차과’로 발음하는 것과 같은 음의 대치와 왜곡, 생략 등의 오류 형태를 나타낸다 조음장애의 원인은 기능적 요인과 기질적 요인이 있으며, 기질적 요인이 없는 경우에는 개인적 요인으로서 아동의 지능과 성격, 사회경제적 지위, 언어유형 및 문화적 영향, 학엽성취도, 형제관계 등과 밀접한 관련을 맺고 있다. 이러한 요인들은 본 연구의 대상 아동이 지닌 특성과 매우 관련성을 지니고 있어 연구의 의의를 뒷받침해 주고 있다. 예컨대, 아동 및 부모의 성격과 조음장애와의 관련연구나 읽기 및 쓰기 능력과 조음장애와의 관련성 연구 등은 본 연구의 실행에 많은 시사점을 주고 있다.

The purpose of this study is to find out what effects the art activity has on artictulation error and attention deficit behavior. The specific problems which solutions are sought after are as follows. Problem 1. What effect does art activity has on articulation error? Problem 2. What effect does art activity has on attention deficit behavior? To find a solution to the problem above. a case study was conducted on a problem student The subject of this case study was a grade 4 student. The subject showed a serious degree of articulation error in Picture Consonant Articulation Test and Test of Language Development-Prima ry(TOLD-P) and a serious degress of attention deficit behavior in Drawing A Person Test and HTP Test. To measure the degree of correction in articulation error. Picture Consonant Articulation: TCAT and test of language development-primary(TOLD-P) was used. CTPS-48 was used to measure the attention deficit behavior. The art activity program was developed in consultation with the supervising professor taking into consideration the subject and the uniqueness of art activity. The program was 42 sessions of 50 minute session in length The result and the concIusion is as follows. First. the application of art activity program had a tremendous collection effect on articulation error Second. attention deficit behavior decreased while the art activity program was administered. Third. such correction effect was also seen in HTP and DAP The results show that articulation error or attention deficit behavior in children can be corrected and treatment using art activity seems to be the best method.
