최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

분노와 적개심을 지닌 아동의 미술치료 효과

The Effect of the Art Therapy on a Child with Anger and Hostility

  • 385

일반적으로 분노는 인간의 욕구가 저지되었을 때 일어나는 매우 심각한 불쾌 감정을 말한다. 적개심이나 증오, 공격성 등은 분노의 다양한 형태나 정도를 지칭하는 것으로서 다소 해로운 의도와 행동을 내포하고 있다. Spielberger(1985) 등은 분노, 적개심 및 공격성에 관한 연구에서 AHA(Anger, Hostility, Aggression)증후군으로 설명하고 이들 개념간의 중복성을 지적하여 집합적으로 나타내었다. 그들은 분노를 정서상태로, 적개섬은 적대적인 태토로서, 그리고 공격성은 행동적안 측면으로 설명하여 분노는 일반적인 정서상태로 보았다. 한편 적개심은 비록 분노와 관련되기는 하지만 어떤 대상에 대한 공격적 행동을 풍기화시키는 복합적인 태도로 설명하였다. 또한 공격성은 일반적으로 어떤 대상에 대한 파괴적이고 처벌적인 행동을 지칭한다고 했다.

This study was to perform the art therapy to a child with anger and hostile feeling, who was 5th grade in the elementary school. This subject had verbal expression of anger, deficit in the interpersonal relationship, and tic disorder with coughing. The art therapy had been performed various activities, including mainly collage, squiggle, play with water colors, forming with clay, and special program, which was to cooperate with his mother in the 14th session. There were 19 sessions once a week for 6 months. The results of this study were as follows: The child’ s expression of anger and hostility, which was verbal and nonverbal was reduced since the 10th session, thereby he started to accept others' language. In terms of the child's interpersonal relationship, his friendly behaviors were suddenly increased since the 7th session. And tic symptom such as coughing was reduced since the 14th. Since this child’s behavior problems were proved to be caused by maladjustment in his home life. the family art therapy was suggested in the further therapy.
