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KCI등재 학술저널

저소득 및 결손가정 청소년들의 집단 미술치료를 통한 자기노출 사례

Effects of Group Arf Therapy on Self-Disclosure of the Adolescents from the Low Socio-Economic Backgrounds and the Broken Home

  • 370

저소득층이나 결손가정은 정상가정에 비해 경제적 어려움으로 여러가지 사회-심리적 문제를 동반하며, 부모가 주로 생업에 종사하므로 부모역할 및 자녀양육을 실제적으로 가정에서 제대로 수행하기가 어려운 상황이 많다. 그로 인한 가정의 공백, 불량 비디오, 오락 시설 등 청소년들을 타락으로 이끄는 각종 문제점이 대두된다. 청소년은 어른으로 넘어가는 전환기로서 청소년의 사고나 가치관은 아주 미성숙한 상태이며, 사고 자체가 비현실적이고, 환상적이며, 매우 단순하다. 또한, 사춘기가 시작되면서 제2차 성징이 발달하고, 신체외모, 옷차림과 이성에 한참 관심을 가질 시기이며, 무엇보다 학업에 열중하여 자신의 정체감을 탐색하고, 발달해야 할 단계이므로, 그 어느 때보다도 사회적으로 가정적으로 많은 보호와 관심이 필요할 시기이다.

This study was aimed to disclose repressed feelings of the adolescents from the low socio-economic oackgrounds and the broken home through the group art therapy, to share them with group members, and to confront them in order to sympathize with each other. And self expression through art material was to recognize one’s feelings, to communicate by oneself and to have a insight into oneself so as to help self-understanding and self-growth. At the view point of the developing stages the adolescents is somewhat defiant, self-assertive and aggressive. At a program using art as a therapy material art seemed to play a role of a buffering zone to alleviate those feelings. The objectives of this study were focused only to the adolescents from the low socio-economic backgrounds and the broken home they seemed to get many of psychological trauma, individual repressed feelings, and frustration during a growth period. Drawing and painting made them express and disclose their such feelings, resulting in coordinating them and having an excellent insight into them by oneself this gradual process means to be effective in therapy. The occurrence of those problems were concrete!y not only due to excessive expression of one\'s feelings, self-showing off or public winning of fair recognition. but also in the op.posite way due to self-misunderstanding by extraordinary self-cutting down. Therefore, while showed withdrawal and/or repressed self-expression and self-disclosure before, visitors was gradually gettìng better by showîng a clear self-expressìon, an obvious self- assertion and an enhanced abìlity of public expression in front of a group through group art therapy to let them show self-disclosure with aggressive behavior excessively exaggerated expression of feelings and self-showing off, visitors tried to adjust self-feelings and to adapt self into a group. They could seemingly feel sympathy and cohesion with group members, and especially experience ca
