최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

재가노인과 시설노인의 우울 및 K-HTP 반응특성 비교

A Comparative Study on Depression and Characteristics of Kinetic House-Tree-Person of the Elderly in Home and in Facilities

  • 122

인구학자들에 따르면 한국사회는 2000년에는 고령인구의 비율이 7%를 넘어서 고령화사회(aging society)에 진입하게 되며, 2022년에는 14%를 넘어 고령사회(aged society)가 될 것으로 전망되고 있다(보건복지부, 1997). 특히 구미선진국의 경우 65세 이상 노령인구가 5-15%에 도달하는데 100년 이상이 소요되었는데 비하여 산업화가 급속히 진행되고 있는 일본과 우리나라는 40-50년 내에 노령인구가 15%선에 도달할 것으로 예상되어 우리나라의 노인문채가 그만큼 빠른 속도로 사회문제화 될 가능성을 내포하고 있다고 볼 수 있겠다(김생순,1991).

The purpose of this study was to investigate depression and characteristics in Kinetic House-Tree-Person in elderly in home and in facilities. The 386 subjects which consist of 200 in home and 186 in facilities were selected from Daegu. Kyung-Buk, Kyung-Nam. The results were as follows: First, the level of depression of the elderly in facilities showed higher scores than that of elderly in home. Thc gcncral level of depression of the elderly both in home and in facilities showed the average or above. Second, in case of elderly in home, such variables as age, marriage state, academic level, past career, monthly income, health state, satisfaction in life, leisure activities revealed significant differences in depression. In case of elderly in facilities. such variables as religion. monthly income, health state, satisfaction in life, leisure activities revealed significant differences in depression. Third, in case of elderly in home, the variables of the tree branches in the tree style drawing revealed differences in depression. Whereas, in case of elderly in facilities, such variables as existence of the door and window in the house style drawing, the leaves in the tree style drawing, the degree of completiα1 in face, leg and feet, decoration of the clothes, in the person style drawing revealed differences in depression. In the whole style, variable of the margin and harmony of the drawing revealed differences in depression.
