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KCI등재 학술저널

청소년 미혼모의 부모자녀유대관계와 동적가족화 반응 특성

A study on parental bonding relationship and characteristics by Kinetic Family Drawing of Unmarried Adolescent Mothers

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청소년기에는 신체적 성숙과 함께 생리적 변화에 대한 호기심, 성에 대한 탐구심, 이성에 대한 관심을 갖게 된다. 뿐만 아니라 자기 중심적 사고 및 행동과 성 욕구의 배출에 따른 고민들을 갖게 된다. 올바른 성 의식이 형성되지 않은 채 무분별하고 왜곡된 성문화 양상을 보이는 대중매체들은 청소년들을 더욱 혼란스럽게 하고 있다. 우리나라의 경우는 미혼모의 정의도 상당히 모호하고 혼외자나 미혼모의 등록제가 실시되고 있지 않아 그 실상이 쉽게 노출되지 않으므로 정확한 실태를 파악하기는 어렵다(김수진. 1988: 이원순. 1999; 조성훈. 1999).

The purpose of this study was designed to find characteristics of parental bonding relationships and characteristics by Kinetic Family Drawing of unmarried adolescent mothers. 116 unmarried adolescent mothers were studied using the test questionaire and drawing for analysis. The instruments of measurement were Kinetic Family Drawing environmental questionaire. parental bonding relationship Instrument(PBD. Frequency. Pearson’s correlations, one-way-variance analysis were conducted for data analysis. The results were as follows: 1. The general characteristics of unmarried adolescent mothers show that on completion of the body. of the face. size of figure-drawing, unmarried adolescent mothers were aware of intimately psychological affection for their mothers. 2. On the farnily perception by Kinetic Family Drawing according to environrnental variables. It has higher of self image, mother image, father image as being parents. form of the residence. 3. The characteristics of the Kinetic Farnily Drawing and parental bonding relationship by unrnarried adolescent mothers show that they were aware of affection more mother than father and of control inore father than mother. 4. In relevance of the Kinetic Farnily Drawing and parental bonding relationship according to environmental variables. unmarried adolescent mothers have high completion rate of figure. eyes and faces of self-drawing. mother-drawing and father-drawing. face expression is described. figure drawing is described bigger when they have affection of the rnother. exit their blood parents. In conclusion. unmarried adolescent mothers have influence of home environmental and of attitude parent’s nurse.
