Nowadays, school education around the world does only convey knowledge but carries out the education connected with a knowledge of humanity as well. In other word, structural reform from science-centered educational process to human-centered educational process is emphasized where importance to the curriculum if art is attached in its perception. Even though it may be a matter of course that human centered education is not entirely expected of education in the department of art alone, since education in the department if art, unlike other curriucula, is the learning activity performed emphasis on personal traits and self-emotion, if is believed that the education of art can come closer to the objective of education, education for the who man, as the eligible curriculum capable of improving the learner’s personality, thinking and creativity, The art education of our country is standing in a historic transitional peried to cope with the future society of the 21th century(creation of new Korea). Accordingly, taking into consideration all the conditions of our country. The Foture education of art will have to require the directional transformation of art education in itself, namely, one reformation of art education and the transformation of its perception, not the partial modification or art education through the professional and objective judgement of art education. As a matter of fact, the Ministry of Education, art educator 2.~d majors in art have continued to make constant endeavors to find out the best way to the art education of our country in respects of its system and policy through a great many changes and reformation in art education up to now, but the art education of our country has contained several problems in respects of its operation and management on accoun of institutional, financial and environmental defects. As a consequence, the education of art, ranging from kindergarten education to elementary, middle and high school education, has fallen