This study investigated to examine the understanding of multi-cultural education through artistic approach between Korean and Japanese teachers by conducting survey to collect information on multi culture, multi culture and Korean and Japanese art culture, and suggested the contents of the curriculum for teacher education in the future. The study included 1) the educational direction in multi-cultural era (the relationship of multi culturalism and education, the existing circumstances of multi-cultural education, and a plan of artistic approach for multi-cultural education), 2) research methodology, and analysis of the survey findings. The analysis of findings of the survey provided the opinions of three hundred ninety five Korean(two hundred twenty three in number) and Japanese teachers(one hundred and two in number) and educators in kindergarten, primary, middle school, high school and national educational institutions on multi culture, multi art culture and Korean and Japanese culture. The recommendations for strengthening the understanding of multi culture were followings: 1) Korean and Japanese teachers agreed on the effectiveness of an artistic approach for understanding multi culture; 2) a comprehensive understanding on multi culture and multi art culture should be included in the in-service and pre-service teacher education program in order to organize their instructional plans for teaching multi culture in the educational settings; and 3) the contents of multi culture, multi art culture and Korean and Japanese art culture should be emphasized and reinforced in art textbooks which are being developed based on the National Art Curriculum.