This study is aimed to present childrens pictorial possibility by comparison and analysis of modem arts. The sudden changes of the mid 20th century has caused arts to face the realm of the uncertain. Instead of a stable paradigm, a realization of extra dimensional images, modem art has challenged the existing tradition. The post-modem outlook has the tendency to deny logos-centered one. It replaces modernism which has the sense of a pivotal role. A series of movements has tried to destroy aura and originality. This study concentrates on contemporary pictorial possibilities by looking at the connection between the deconstruction and in childrens art and the tendencies of modem art, which reflect the current times. Accordingly, tins study tries to find a common pictorial homogeneity by the comparison of adults and childrens paintings. A homogeneity, but distinguished in content and formality. The theoretical basis for this study is childrens artistic elements which are postmodernism, deconstructionism and the theory of chaos. This study compares various phenomena of adult art and childrens arts. It presents desirable teaching methods for childrens art. This study tries to change our viewpoint regard to understanding modem art and childrens art through comparison and analysis.