During the late 1980s and the 1990s, Discipline-Based Art Education(DBAE) has expanded from its original concept of the four disciplines to include such new components as multiculturalism, postmodernism, interdisciplinary curriculum, and student-centered learning. Adoption of technology seems to be crucial when elaborating these new components of DBAE. Writers and researchers in the field of art education have recognized the possibilities of integrating the Internet into DBAE. No existing literature, however, has shown how art teachers are using the Internet to enhance an expanded DBAE curriculum. This study has explored this timely issue, and documented how art teachers actually employ the Internet and information technology for art instruction with an emphasis on an expanded DBAE framework. Also, this study examined how the Internet can integrate DBAE into various theories such as multiculturalism, interdisciplinary learning, and constructivism. Using a survey data from 140 elementary school teachers in Incheon Metropolitan City and Gyeonggi area, I find that the Internet is considered a useful tool to enhance an existing art curriculum, and majority of elementary school teachers employ the Internet for art instruction including teaching the new components of DBAE. However, the survey result shows that majority of the respondents use the Internet for art production because of the current focus of studio-oriented art education in Korea. It is suggested that more curriculum should be developed for non-production areas such as art criticism and aesthetics in elementary classrooms. In so doing, we will enjoy the many benefits of expanded DBAE. Finally, The logistic regression results suggest that providing more discipline-specific Internet training for teachers is crucial in enhancing instructional use of the Internet in art classroom.