최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

전통미술교육과 박물관

Art education for traditional arts in the museums

  • 174

The field of visual art education in Korea corresponds to the West's. In 1993 the Korean government employed a policy of new liberalism in education by suggesting the '5. 31 Education Reform,' focused on a level-based curriculum, selection-based curriculum, and education assessment. This strategy was applied to the 7th curriculum in Korea's public schools in order to emphasize cultivating cultural industry in relation to cartoons, multimedia, and animation, and intensifying art education for the traditional arts. This paper will explore the background of art education for tradition in Korea within the context of the development of a new curriculum for art education. Second, the paper will discuss the meaning of art education of traditional visual culture. Finally, this paper will pursue the answer regarding how art education for traditional culture proposes the context of museums. The discourse regarding traditional visual culture in the field of art education is supported by the theoretical framework of multicultural art education in Korea. In teaching traditional visual culture, we need to keep in mind that when we stress tradition in art education, we are confirming our national identity. Here, 'tradition' should be considered as reconstructive and changeable 'objects,' not as a rigid cultural heritage of the past. The meaning of visual culture education focusing on traditional arts should reconstruct the relationship between others and myself. This study asserts that 'museums' are the appropriate place to practice in cultural education for visual traditional art, compared to the traditional educational environment, that is, the classroom. This paper proposes several points in museum education that can help to improve traditional visual art education. Since authentic objects of traditional cultural heritages in museums are the best educational medium, learners (visitors) of museums can reconstruct their knowledge on their own. In this sense, the characte
