The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between cognitive styles and teaching strategies of two art teachers. This paper, however, presents only the results of qualitative data analysis. For the qualitative method, in-depth interviews were conducted to investigate teachers' cognitive styles and teaching strategies in art education. Two art teachers who were considered having different cognitive styles by researcher were participated in this research. They were interviewed according to the two criteria: 1) their cognitive styles in their learning and teaching experience, and 2) their own instructional strategies in art education. All interview data were transcribed, coded according to the criteria, and interpreted. The result of the research showed: 1) each teacher has her own cognitive style, and 2) each teacher has her own strategy which is related to her own cognitive style. This research findings demonstrated the need for creating and implementing teachers training programs in a way 1) that art teachers should exposed to and understand the cognitive styles for the their learning and teaching, 2)that program for art teachers encourage students to have versatility, 3)that art teachers should have more opportunity to keep in touch with teaching methods in art program, and 4) that program for art teachers give students to explore rationality of art education. From the findings of this research, I conclude that the program for art teachers should focus not only art itself but also teaching art.