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KCI등재 학술저널

실업계고등학교 웹기반 컴퓨터그래픽디자인 교수-학습방법에 관한 실습사례 분석

A Study on the Way of Web-based for Computer Graphic Design in Industrial High School:Focused on the Method of Problem Solving Learning

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오늘날은 컴퓨터의 급속한 보급과 통신기술의 혁신이 덧붙여지면서 정보와 지식의 급격한 팽창으로 인하여 이전에는 경험하지 못한 새로운 현상을 만들어 내고 있다. 강인애(2002)에 의하면 이와 같이 정보나 지식이 가장 중요한 생산적?소비적 자원이되며, 나아가 상품성을 지니게 되는 시대를 정보화시대(사회)(강인애, 2002: 214)라고 일컫는다. 여기에 정보통신기술을 기반으로 인터넷의 성장과 더불어 ‘정보(information)’의 차원을 넘어서 더욱 중요하게 부각되어지고 있는 ‘커뮤니케이션’이 사회에 미치는 영향과 힘으로부터 오는 사회적 변화를 겪고 있다. 이와 같은 사회에서는 교육에 있어서도 교과 내용만 가르치는 것 보다는 정보화 사회의 변화에 잘 적응 할 수 있는 능력을 함양시키는 교육이 매우 중요하다.

The present study purposed to propose a PSL for Web-based computer graphic design that is suitable for industrial high school curriculum, reflects rapidly changing demands for communication in the contemporary society, and satisfies the desire for creative tools of students familiar with computer. For this purpose, we had a theoretical review based on literature on design curriculum in industrial high school, a PSL model for Web-based computer graphic design, and designed a Web-based computer graphic design instructional program focused on the development and visualization of ideas. The results show that students made a progress in all items related to the development and the visualization of ideas. Therefore, it is concluded that the collection and exchange of various types of information through the Web can give new diverse clues in developing design ideas. In addition, the use of the computer as a medium stimulates students’ interest in visualizing their ideas and expressing their thoughts using new tools. According to the result of analyzing students’ improvement in the development and visualization of ideas and their performance scored by the teacher in relation to a number of variables, students’ score was highly correlated with their improvement in the development of ideas (r=·0.864) as well as with their improvement in the visualization of ideas (r=0.887). That is, students who achieved high improvement in the development and visualization of ideas got a higher score in their design performance. This result suggests that students’ improvement is in a significant relation with their performance scored by the teacher and the teacher’s evaluation is highly reliable. In conclusion, the PSL for Web-based computer graphic design applied in industrial high school is considered to have positive effects on students’ development and visualization of ideas.
