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KCI등재 학술저널

미술교사의 자기교육력 육성에 관한 연구

A study for art teacher to upbringing self-educational ability

  • 28

효율적인 수업이 되기 위해서는 학생들이 성취감을 갖도록 수업을 성공적으로 이끌어 내어야 하겠지만 그 기반이 되는 것은 우선 교사가 자기 자신과 자기가 하고 있는 일에 대해 자신감과 긍지를 갖는 일이 중요하다. 자기가 하는 일을 긍정적 예견하는 사람은 그 일을 성공적으로 수행할 가능성이 높다는 “자성예언: self-fulfilling prophecy”의 이론이 이를 뒷받침해 준다(2005a. 김지균). 따라서 교사는 항상 자기 성찰과 함께 자신의 수업에 대한 반성과 자기 평가를 하여 자신의 능력을 신장시켜야한다. 그러나 학교 교육에서는 교사 혼자의 느낌과 감상으로 자기 수업을 평가하는 극히 주관적인 평가로 끝나게 되는 경우가 대부분으로 교사에게 자신의 수업이 효과적으로 피드백 되지 못하고 있다.

It is important that teacher should lead the class successfully by having students feel accomplishment for an effective class, but as a basic, teacher her/himself has to have pride themselves first before. Self-fulfilling prophecy, “anyone who has positive expectation is more successful in their task carry out”, is supporting this opinion. Accordingly, teachers always keep on developing their ability through examine and evaluation after their class accompany with selfreflection. However, in educational schools, most of their evaluation is done just based on their really personal view or appreciation thus result ineffective feedback on their class. This study is the study that, based on educational knowledge, reconstruct the contents of art text to draw up class plan and through the experimental class, in process of learning attitude as a teacher, how it feeds back to students, teachers and evaluation of class observers, and how it effect to teacher themselves, purposed to make progress for future teachers self-educational ability and improve teaching process. Reflection of evaluation through the experimental class, support the ability of special technical class but also a great help to establish a point of view for art education. Therefore, to study about variances of ability of practical class and research the reasonable teaching method based on it, experiencing teacher themselves evaluation and appreciation as a teacher of the class and evaluation from co-workers and the students. Although there is individual difference, this is suppose to be a 1st step in pursuing desirable view of teaching, understanding ability and limitation of themselves and improving teaching technique in the process of feedback themselves for future teachers.
