오늘날 멀티미디어의 급속한 발달과 보급으로 인해 인간의 시지각은 청각, 촉각, 후각, 미각 등에 연결된 다중감각, 혹은 공감각(Synasthesie)적 인식과 연합하여 각종 정보를 파악하게 되었다. 이것은 보는 이에 따라 시지각의 확장이나, 또는 시지각의 축소로 여기게 되는 근거가 되기도 한다. 이러한 사회문화적 현상에서 최첨단으로 그 경향을 주도하고 반영하는 시지각 예술인 미술과 미술 교과교육은 그 내용과 방법면에서 사회적, 문화적인 변화를 수용해야 하는 입장에 있다. 즉, 기존의 전통적인 방식 이외에 미디어라는 새로운 체험의 장을 적극 수용함은 물론 소통을 통한 표현과 감상의 폭을 확충시켜야 하는 과제에 직면해 있는 것이다.
Socio-cultural phenomena in our society today show us that young art learners are affected more by visuals in TV, Internet, animation, mobile phone display, comic books, cartoon characters and corporate logos than by the works of art in art books, painting albums, art galleries and museums. This study was aimed at giving young art learners, from first to sixth graders of elementary school students from first to sixth graders, an opportunity to express their interest in visual media, and analyzing their responses in connection with the development and application of media-based art education programs. The result was as follows: Firstly, the children showed a very positive response when they were given a video footage, such as one from an animation, they familiar with as a learning material in their art class in school. Secondly, the use of visual media in the process of introducing new learning techniques and creating motivation was found very efficient as a material to stimulate learners recollect past experiences or to help understand the new learning environment surrounding them. Thirdly, the young learners in a class tended to be divided into two groups in their quest for media-based expression measures, some preferred traditional materials according to individual propensity while others felt more comfortable when they used a computer monitor or a word processor to express their view. Finally, the young art learners produced more diverse and creative works when they were introduced to the use and cases of visual media by a teacher with a more positive attitude to the use and function of media.