초, 중, 고 미술과 교과서를 위한 현대미술 교육내용 개발과 체계화 연구
New Exploration and Systematization of the Modern Art's Contents for the Art Textbooks(1) - focused on the modern art in the first half of the 20th century after Impressionism -
미술과 교과서의 질적인 교육내용을 구성하기 위한 논의와 연구는 지속되고 있다. 현장 교사와 전문가 협의회의 설문조사, 그리고 문헌 연구를 통해 이루어진 제7차 미술과 교과서 분석에서 문제점으로 제기되고 있는 내용들 중 본 연구 내용과 관련된 교육내용 구성상의 문제점들을 정리하여 보면 다음과 같다(양윤정, 20051); 박소영, 2004; 이성도, 김혜숙, 2004; 이주연, 2003; 박은덕, 2002; 이용일, 2003; 이은적, 2004: 85).
The purpose of this study is to explore and systematize the modern art's contents for the art textbooks in elementary, middle and high school. This study is conducted as follows: First, [Document Analysis] arranges the knowledges transformable into the educational contents, according to the separate isms and forms which brought about the important concepts and transposed the thought in the phenomena of modern art. Art works of reference shows the representative and authorized art works, which illustrate the Document Analysis and are useful to the contents' construction as well. Second, [Education Content] presents the subject and contents of learning, the suitable grades, in consideration of the effects of learning. The contents include ①the conceptual objective and ②the plastic objective. To achieve more effects of learning, the contents of the contemporary art can be conceived by the comparison with the past art and the photograph, since the contemporary art becomes clear when compared with different styles. The contents, explored and organized suitable for the different grades, are as follows: light and color(5th)/painting and photograph, art of the light(8th); subject of the art works(9th), modernism in art(10th); subjective color and form-realistic color and expressive color(3th)/painting method(5th); metaphors in the art works; collage(4th)/homogeneity and heterogeneity in the surface(6th)/numbers and letters in the painting(10th); creation and reference(7th); resemblance, representation and expression(6th) etc.