과거에 비하여 미술과 교과서의 내용 구성에 많은 변화와 발전이 있었음에도 불구하고 교사들의 미술 교과서에 대한 만족도와 활용도는 매우 낮다. 그 원인이 교사들이 교육과정에서 제시하는 목표와 내용체계를 숙지하고 교과서보다 더 나은 수업 고안을 하기 때문이라고 보기는 어려울 것이다. 그러나 여기서 교과서상의 문제는 진정없는가? 미술교과서는 교육과정을 구현하는 실질적이고 효율적인 자료의 역할을 할 수는 없는가? 무엇이 문제인가?
As the 2007 National Art Curriculum is introduced, the project for the art textbooks' edition makes rapid progress. The purposes of this study are to comprehend the issues of the new National Art Curriculum as comparing with the precedent, and to analyze the problems awaiting to be solved in the writing for new art textbooks, on considering the discussions for improvement in the precedent. The problems are examined and classified into four classes such as the interior system and exterior design of the textbooks, the assistant system and the textbook screening system. In the first place, the structures of the contents of three different domainsaesthetic experience, expression, and appreciation- are examined in the interior system of text books. It needs to develop the text books which are able to give the symmetrical guide to the intra-disciplinary integration and interdisciplinary integration of the contents construction. Although chromaticity and the quality of paper are not improved in exterior design point of view, the textbooks should be transformed to new image by reducing the editing errors and adding more reference figures, and giving autonomy in editing. In assistant system, the teacher's guidebooks which can present the various useful information and introduce course development are developed in alliance with the digital textbook exploiting. Relate to the textbook screening system, the pertinent selection by the authorization committee members and their closer judgement remains as problems.