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KCI등재 학술저널

MI이론을 적용한 미술활동프로그램이 도식기 아동의 다중지능적 인지계발에 미치는 영향연구

A Study on Influences of Arts Program based on MI Theory regarding Schematic Stage Children's Cognition Development - Based on a case of 1st grade of ‘B’ elementary school at Bun Dang -

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MI(다중지능, Multiple Intelligences)이론은 아동의 다양성을 존중하고, 인성 및 창의성을 최대한 신장시킴으로써, 모든 아동의 잠재능력이 최대한 계발될 수 있도록 한다는 미술교육목적에 부합한 이론이다. 오늘의 교육 목표가 다변화 시대에 적응할 수 있는 인간 육성에 있다는 점에서 아동들의 능력, 적성, 필요, 흥미에 따른 개인차를 중요시한 아동 개개인의 성장잠재력과 교육의 효율성의 창출이 중요하게 강조되고 있다. 따라서 초등미술교육에서도 아동들의 흥미를 고려하면서 다양한 미술활동을 통하여 자연스럽게 각자의 능력을 계발하도록 하며, 아동들이 스스로 문제해결과 관련된 지식이나 개념을 찾아보고 구성해 나갈 수 있도록 도와주어야 한다(교육부, 2007)는 취지에서처럼 MI이론에 기초한 미술프로그램의 개발과 실행연구는 이러한 최근의 미술교육목표를 반영한다는 점에서 시의 적절하다.

Recently the art program based on MI(Multiple Intelligence) theory has been generalized to be related to the trend which stress the cognition development through the diverse apply in arts education. But we have to remember that it has not been successful for the creativity-based art education in terms of being applied it hurried in arts education field, and the art program applied to MI theory also needs rather the balanced process for the application and development of the corrective and effective arts education than the theory itself or fragmentary approach of the theory. The process of the verification would be not so much the superficial application and development as the effective development from the result through the concrete analysis, and has to be search for the practical application and the evaluation of the arts program related MI theory. MI is the theory coincided with the purpose of the art education which make the children develop to their potential ability by means of appreciating in their creativity and the diverse. It would be the educational purpose to maximize the children's potential ability and the educational efficiency considered their individual variation in that today's educational goal is to educate the man who encounter in the diversification times, therefore, in the elementary school it is about the time to be composed the class environment which could construct and apply the concept and the knowledge related to the problem solving through the children's self-regulating. In that sense the purpose of this study is to find out that how the arts program based on MI theory could have influence on the cognition of Schematic stage children.
