오늘날 인간은 문화 속에서 태어나고, 문화 속에서 성장한다. 그래서 문화가 환경으 로서의 자연을 대신하고, 문화가 산업의 일부가 된 오늘날을 ‘문화의 시대’라 부르고 있다. 이러한 문화의 중요성은 새롭게 등장한 문화예술교육이란 용어에서도 확인된다. 2005년부터 본격화된 우리나라의 문화예술교육은 이러한 사회·문화적 배경과 함께 기 존 교육에 대한 대안 모색으로부터 시작되었다. 제도적 지원과 함께 빠르게 확산되고 있는 문화예술교육 사업은 그동안의 문화소외계층을 포함하여 전 국민의 문화적 감수성을 성을 증진하기 위하여 크게 학교문화예술교육(학교 내)과 사회문화예술교육(학교 밖), 그리고 이 두 영역 간의 연계를 통하여 다양한 실천들을 모색하고 시도해 왔다. 그 가운데 하나가 통합형 문화예술교육의 실천이라 할 수 있다.
This study aimed at presenting a model for a class integrating a subject with arts as a method of arts and culture education. The study pursued a specific method of arts and culture education which can be applied to a regular class. That was because arts and culture education delivered during classes in school can prove the justification and effectiveness of arts and culture education by securing stable class hours and realizing the goals of both school education and arts and culture education. This study integrated the subject with arts based on the structural characteristics of education and art. That is, through linking the structure of the content and method of education with that of the content and form of arts, the study set what was covered during school curriculum as the content, and arts as the method. The two areas of arts and culture education were subdivided as follows: content (subject) - knowledge, function, and attitudes; method (arts media) - experience, understanding, and communication. Such subdivision was made in order to establish the close and organic integration of subject (content) and art form (method). By linking knowledge, function, and attitudes in content area and experience, understanding, and communication in method area, a total of nine integrated areas were presented. Given that arts and culture education intends to raise holistic human beings whose perception makes harmony with emotion by complementing knowledge-centered education, the class which integrates with arts is expected not only to more effectively instruct students in the subject but also to contribute the expansion and generalization of arts and culture education.