상상력은 모든 인간이 가지고 있는 고유한 정신적 기능 중 하나이며 인류의 발전과 함께 하였다. 즉, 인간의 상상력은 문학이나 회화와 같은 예술적 성과를 가져왔으며 나아가 과학에도 영향을 줌으로서 발전된 문명사회를 이룩할 수 있도록 도와주었다. 실제로 오늘날의 상상력은 기계 공학, 정보 공학, 유전 공학이라는 테크놀로지의 뒷받 침을 받고 있으며 나아가 미래의 생산력은 상상력이라고 본다(진중권,2005: 3). 이와 같은 상상력은 단순한 공상이며 이성보다는 열등한 개념이 아닌 이성에 유연성,자유 롭게 사고할 수 있는 능력, 생각과 정서, 상황, 환경을 재구조화하여 다양한 사고를 할 수 있도록 도와주는 능력으로서 교육에서 꼭 필요한 요소이다.
Imagination is indispensible mental function to human. Human can understand new environment, make future in their mind and have an eye for new something through imagination. Art education is able to increase imagination. This study'S results is the ability of an imagination scale proposing the imaginary picture ability which express imagination in art educational activities as one kind of ability. I choose sub factor under the artificial notion on imaginary picture ability and make related inquiries. Finally, I selected the 38 inquiries through pre-examination, primary-examination's verification of reliability & validity; 12 inquiries- imagination ability on sensible imagination, 6 inquiries-imagination ability on feeling . sentiment, 9 inquiries-imagination ability on situation· activity, 6 inquiries-imagination ability on fanciful imagination, 5 inquiries-imagination ability on product imagination. I can reach the conclusions as following by these study methods ; First the imagination ability is a kind of ability to picture and express freely through reorganizing imagination of image about sense, feeling, sensibility, situation, activity, product, etc. Second, the sub factor of imagination ability are 'imagination ability on sensible imagination', 'imagination ability on feeling . sentiment', 'imagination ability on situation . activity', 'imagination ability on fanciful imagination', 'imagination ability on product imagination'. Third, the ability of an imagination scale development is very necessary and gets high position because art education have significant suggestion which unifying sensibility and intelligence, understanding situation and environment, raising new eyes and creativeness in relationship with imagination.