미술품을 감상할 때 미술품속에는 주제에 따른 다양한 소재들이 다루어지며 그중에 하나는 건물이다.많은 작가들은 도시,바닷가,시골마을 등의 풍경을 그리면서 건물 을 그려 넣는다.동서고금의 미술품에 등장하는 건물은 거의 대부분 동시대의 건물양 식과 함께 삶의 유형을 보여준다.그리고 이런 건물들은 장소성과 환경을 지니며 다 양한 삶의 모습을 진솔하게 드러낸다.건축물은 일반주택이나 상가건물 외에 미술관 박물관의 물리적 환경 또한 다양한 공간을 창출하며 독특한 구조와 형태를 지닌다. 초?중등 학생들에게 건물과 건축물이 지닌 다양한 표정과 형태,구조 등을 이해시키 기 위해서는 이를 위한 다양한 교육적 접근이 필요하다.미술과수업에서 이런 다양한삶의 모습을 보여주는 건축물에 대한 시각은 초·중등학생들에게 공간지각능력을 길러 주며 다양한 공간을 창출하는 미적능력과 미적안목을 갖게 한다.
Architecture is man's living and life spaces. We live in houses, we work at buildings and we buy grocery from the stores. Those houses, buildings and stores are called architecture. Architecture such as house, buildings and stores have space, form and structure. When we walk along the street, we see a lot of old and new buildings. We also see the difference between traditional and contemporary architecture styles. Some architects create beautiful houses and buildings using geometric and organic forms. As matter of fact, architecture is strongly influence up on man's life and shape up the man's relationship, behavior and thoughts. The design of contemporary architecture is some how spacious, typical and dynamic. Elementary and secondary students need to understand the meaning of space, form, function, structure of architecture. Dealing with architecture lessons in art class will open not only students' insight how to see the architecture but also improve their critical ability to percept and increase their interest of architecture styles. Through the teaching and lesson plan of architecture, students will get various information about them upon the understanding of value, history, space, time of yesterday's and to day's prominent architecture. Students will awake their imagination, experience, critical thinking, and explore space effectiveness through the diverse activities. And student also learn more about building materials, architecture terminology, function and usage of space, the topography, along with existence and value of architecture, and understand the relationship between man's life and architecture further more.