아동의 그림에 나타나는 묘사적인 특징들은 성인의 그림과 구분되는 중요한 이유가 된다.아동의 그림에 나타나는 선,색,형 등은 성인과 다른 양상으로 나타나기 때문 이다.이렇듯 성인과 구분되는 아동의 그림은 19세기 Ricci에 의하여 구분되었다.이 후 아동미술이 지니는 특징을 본격적으로 이해하게 된 데에는 표현주의의 영향이 컸 으며 아동화는 자유로운 자기표현으로 간주되었다.Cizek은 아동화를 자유로운 자기 표현으로 보았으며 성인과 구별되는 아동만의 미술적 특징들이 묘사를 통해 나타난다고 지적하였다.
The characteristics of description expressed in children's paintings are different from adults' paintings. In the filed of traditional studies on children's artistic expression, children paintings were considered to be their unrestricted expression of desires existing within the inner world and, therefore, children were encouraged to express their desires without any control. Eventually it was supposed that their ability to express themselves is automatically improved with their age. By using the paintings of children, traditional studies on their artistic expression tried to explore elements that defined the growth and development of children. In particular, they mainly included longitudinal studies that focused on finding, categorizing, evaluating and analysing similar characteristics selected from their paintings with their age. It was impossible, therefore, to examine mental activities of children. In addition, traditional studies on the development of children's artistic expression also put more emphasis on expressive aspects of their paintings, considering that a variety of their life experiences and meanings could be symbolically included in their paintings. For this reason, it seems that qualitative studies are required to understand the personal experience aspects of children's artistic expression while a phenomenlogical study is performed. The reason is that the metaphysical study can make it possible to explore eurythmy using the personal experience of children. Also, the phenomenlogical study can offer an opportunity to review children's personal experience prior to their artistic expression, on the basis of their major concepts. The purpose of this study is to examine a variety of characteristics and meanings expressed in children's paintings. To achieve the purpose, this study was carried out by exploring the aspects and meanings shown in the expression development of traditional children art, by suggesting the needs for changing the meanings of aspect