세계는 지금 21세기를 ‘지식?정보와 문화의 시대’라고 보고,이러한 시대를 주도해 나갈 수 있는 인적 자원을 ‘21세기 지식 정보화 사회에 부응하는 문화인(文化人)’으로 해석하고 있다.즉,21세기를 이끌어갈 인재는 창의력을 바탕으로 한 고급 정보의 재 구성과 창출은 물론,문화?예술적 감성이 생활화된 고급 정서를 지닌 사람이어야 한 다는 것이다. 미국에서는 ‘예술과 학술에 관한 대통령위원회’를 구성하여,문화?예술 분야에서 세계의 선두 위치를 유지하기 위해 청소년에 대한 예술교육을 대폭 강화할 방침에 있 고,영국에서는 ‘교육개혁법’을 제정,‘미술과 디자인’을 기초교과 중 하나로 지정하였 다.한편,프랑스에서는 2000년에 교육부장관인 자크랑이 ‘모든 사람을 위한 예술교육 5개년 계획’을 발표하고 초?중등학교에서의 예술교육 체제를 개선하고 필수교과의 예술교육을 강화하였다.
The purpose of this study was to make an analysis of national art education policies in an effort to find out what problems they were faced with and to determine some of the right directions for them. An analytic framework for art education policy was developed. The analytic framework was based on different policy-evaluation prototypes, being constituted by five elements including process, area, criteria, item and detailed item. First, the policy-analysis process was divided into four: policy formulation, policy making, policy implementation, and policy-making analysis. Second, analytic areas for each of the analysis processes were selected in light of their nature. In the policy-formulating process, policy background and opinion gathering were analyzed, and in the policy-making process, target setting and consulting were investigated. In the policy-enforcement process, enforcement planning and enforcement method were analyzed, and in the output analysis process, connection with art education and whether or not the policies made any contribution to improving art education were examined. Third, the selected analytic criteria were responsiveness, democracy, adequacy, cooperativeness, feasibility, coherence, effectiveness, and efficiency for each of the analysis processes. Fourth, items were selected to be appropriate for each of the selected analytic criteria in the form of question. Fif th, detailed items were additionally prepared.