미술은 느낌과 생각을 시각적 조형언어로 창조?발전시키는 예술의 한 영역이며, 이를 감상?이해하는 과정을 포함한다.유아들은 낙서를 하거나 그림을 그리고,무엇 인가를 만드는 미술활동을 통하여 자신의 감정과 생각들을 자연스럽게 표현한다.이 러한 미술표현과정은 유아들에게 기쁨과 만족감,행복감을 주며,감정적 몰입을 경험 하고 자신의 느낌과 감정을 긍정적이고 창의적인 방법으로 표현할 수 있게 한다.뿐 만 아니라,미술놀이를 통하여 각자 자신의 표현을 격려 받을 수 있고 자신의 창의적 표현을 인식하게 된다.이와 같이 또래 친구들과 함께 즐길 수 있는 미술놀이 경험은 유아의 창의성 및 심미적 태도를 향상시키고 정서적인 안정감을 주어 창조적인 생활 을 하도록 도와준다.
The objective of the present study is to integrate the inquiry, expression and appreciation of art plays and to examine how activities integrating music, motions and dramatic plays centering on art plys affect young children's creativity and aesthetic attitnde. For this purpose, we set research qnestions as follows. 1) What effects do integrated art plays have on young children's creativity (flnency, originality, and imagination)? 2) What effects do integrated art plays have on young children's aesthetic attitude (aesthetics, art history, art criticism, and formative expression)? The results of this study are as follows. First, in the results of examining the effects of integrated art plays on young children's creativity, the children in the experimental group who had experienced integrated art plays showed higher mean scores of fluency, originality, and imagination, the sub-factors of creativity, than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant. Second, in the results of examining the effects of integrated art plays on young children's aesthetic attitude, the children in the experimental group who had experienced integrated art plays showed higher mean scores of aesthetics, art history, art criticism, and formative expression, the sub-factors of aesthetic attitude, than those in the control group, andthe (lifferences were statistically significant. Based on the results of this study as presented above, it is concluded that integrated art plays are effective in improving creativity and developing aesthetic attitude in young children.