최근 들어 디자인 교육에 대한 사회적 관심이 급증하고 있다.실제로 ‘새 예술정책’ 과 ‘21세기 문화비전’에 따라 사회문화 수준과 창의력을 높이기 위한 문화예술의 경험 을 유ㆍ소년기부터 중요하게 다루고 있고 초?중?고등학교에서 만화,대중음악을 비 롯한 특기 교육과 디자인교육을 실시하게 되었다(김진우,2004).또한 2010부터 서울 시내 중?고등학교의 디자인 과목을 신설하기 위하여 연구학교를 지정하여 교육하는 등 디자인 교육의 중요성이 점점 강조되는 것을 알 수 있다(한국경제,2008;김진의, 2008).이렇듯 증가된 관심에 비해서 디자인 교육에 대한 일반적인 인식은 디자인 제 작과정이나 만들기 정도에 머무르고 있는 현실이다.시각문화 시대에 요구되는 디자 인 교육은 제작자를 양성하는데 목적이 있다기보다는,문화적 해석능력과 비판적 사 고능력을 가진 문화인을 양성하는데 있다.생활주변의 디자인을 읽어내고 디자인이 가진 의미를 감상,비평할 수 있는 디자인 교육이 필요하다.이와 같은 맥락에서 본 논문은 디자인 읽기에 대한 기본 능력을 향상시킬 수 있는 분석틀을 개발하고 이의 교육적 활용방안을 모색하는 데에 목적이 있다.
Visual culture that reflects environments of a learner is covered by design education within an art curriculum and the domain of design education is widening as multi-orientation in visual culture related phenomena becomes diversified. However, the domain of design education within a curriculum where visual cultures are reflected, tends to be limited to providing simple resources such as providing basic knowledge, etc., and shows its limitations in providing frameworks on its ideology which serves as guideline for building sense of appreciation and understanding. In this study, the researcher has focused on the commuuications exchanged within the realm of visual culture and proposed segmentation on classifications and elements which serve as basis for judgments made by an observer, so that the study may help learners to inlprove their clitical reasoning by building objective and systematic understandings in approaching the visual culture. Commmllcations are conducted in a culture through diversified media. Moreover, such COl1llllunications as visual cOl1llllunications based on semiotica1 aualysis put emphasis on transmitting respective meanings through procedural, cultural and grammatical symbols, and storing and extracting social, psychological and visual meaning innate in elements. Such symbols as social and psychological elements have their base in national and social consciousness. In addition, an identical symbol may be recognized otherwise, depending on the perspective of the observer, following changes in social, econonllcal and cultural envirOllllents. As meaning and value of a visual symbol change depending on the background on creation of snch visual image, or recognition at the time of observation, thus it is crucial to make judgments by basing on the social and cultural significance and value, not by basing on the meaning of the visual image itself alone. In this study, the researcher has taken procedural, cultural and grammatical approaches in conductin